Working on rearranging my music studio space and will be back on top of things soon.
Working on rearranging my music studio space and will be back on top of things soon.
Working on rearranging my music studio space and will be back on top of things later this year.
JULY 2019
The video shoot for "Resonate" from the third album of my trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" has been put on hold due to reasons beyond my control. I hope to get this video up and running again by the end of summer. As far as the next EP - it is looking like a late autumn release.
JUNE 2019
The video shoot for "Resonate" from the third album of my trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" has been put on hold due to reasons beyond my control. I hope to get this video up and running again by the end of summer. As far as the next EP - it is looking like a late autumn release.
MAY 2019
The video shoot for "Resonate" from the third album of my trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" has been put on hold due to reasons beyond my control. I hope to get this video up and running again by the end of summer. As far as the next EP - it is looking like a late autumn release.
APRIL 2019
The video shoot for "Resonate" from the third album of my trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" has been slowed due to reasons beyond my control. I hope to get this video done by the end of June. As far as the next EP - it is looking like an autumn release.
MARCH 2019
I am currently working on my latest video "Resonate". It's slow progress, but I will complete it soon. This is a song from the third album of my trilogy entitled: "The Story of Blue: Beyond". Still on the fence about creating a piano/vocal album with music from all my albums/EP's, or creating a new 3-song EP which would contain new material. Either way - more to come this year.
I am currently working on my latest video "Resonate". It's slow progress, but I will complete it soon. This is a song from the third album of my trilogy entitled: "The Story of Blue: Beyond". Still on the fence about creating a piano/vocal album with music from all my albums/EP's, or creating a new 3-song EP which would contain new material. Either way - more to come this year.
I am currently working on my latest video "Resonate". This is a song from the third album of my trilogy entitled: "The Story of Blue: Beyond". For 2019: I'm on the fence about creating a piano/vocal album with music from all my albums/EP's, or creating a new 3-song EP which would contain new material. Either way - more to come in 2019.
New song recorded! I will be adding a few more songs soon and will have an EP available winter 2025
I have released a new video for my song "Dawn" from album two of my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: The Journey".
The video for "Resonate" from my third album ("The Story of Blue: Beyond") of the trilogy "The Story of Blue" will be completed mid January 2019. I am planning to push back the piano/vocal album until spring of 2019.
Currently working on my second video. This song comes from the second album ("The Story of Blue: The Journey") of the triology "The Story of Blue" and is entitled "Dawn". I just finished polishing up the keyboard parts which I haven't played in quite a while and am ready to shoot the keyboard video this week (first week of November). I will also be shooting a video for "Resonate" a song from the third album of my triology. This video most likely will be complete by mid December. Also, I am in the process currently of writing new material for my next EP, or album. More to come.
Currently creating my second video from "The Story of Blue". This is for the song "Dawn." My plan is to have this song ready and available for viewing by the end of November. My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase later this year. Not sure about any recording this year in Studio Ballistico, but I definitely plan on recording at home over the next few months and perhaps a visit to Ballistico early 2019.
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase later this year. Still thinking about another 3-song EP some time later this year, or early next year. I'm also thinking of making a box set for "The Story of Blue" and cannot rule out a future piano/vocal album covering several of my past EP's and albums. More to come! :)
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase later this year. Still thinking about another 3-song EP some time later this year, or early next year. I'm also thinking of making a box set for "The Story of Blue" and cannot rule out a future piano/vocal album covering several of my past EP's and albums. More to come! :)
JULY 2018
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase later this year. I'm currently working on some cool tunes with a former band mate. I'm really digging his new music! It's nice to be back helping others out! Still thinking about another 3-song EP some time later this year, or early next year. I'm also thinking of making a box set for "The Story of Blue" and cannot rule out a future piano/vocal album covering several of my past EP's and albums. More to come! :)
JUNE 2018
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase in July. More info in the weeks to come.
MAY 2018
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase in July. It's now looking like July will be the next time I record as well. I'm thinking of creating a very tight 3-song EP at that time. I'm also looking at November as a possible time to record my next album. This one looks to be more of a piano/voice covering several songs I recorded on my previous albums.
APRIL 2018
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase in May. Not sure when I start with the next EP, but I know it will come most likely in a torrent. I'm looking forward to that day!
MARCH 2018
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase in May. Looking to create a box set for the 21-song trilogy "The Story of Blue" March '18. New EP probable by July '18. I'm also looking to perhaps create another piano/vocal album. It's going on 13 years since my last piano/vocal album!
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase by the end of March. Looking to create a box set for the 21-song trilogy "The Story of Blue" March '18. New EP probable by July '18. I'm also looking to perhaps create another piano/vocal album. It's going on 13 years since my last piano/vocal album!
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase by the middle of February 2018. New EP probable by June '18.
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" physical CD will be available for purchase by the middle of January 2018.
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" is now available for digital download from Cafe’ Indie Air! Click here to listen to 30 sec samples and purchase.
My the third album in my concept trilogy "The Story of Blue: Beyond" is now available for digital download from Cafe’ Indie Air! Click here to listen to 30 sec samples and purchase.
This month Tim and I have the golden opportunity to complete album three: "The Story of Blue: Beyond". I'm looking at a physical/digital album release by the end of this month, or early October. More information will be provided in my next newsletter (click on the "Get A Free Song" button immediately to the left of this paragraph [may need to enable Adobe Flash to see button] to get a free song and automatically be signed up to receive my future newsletters.
The mixdown process continues. I want to say that album three will be completed by the end of the month, but I'm not going to. I'm thinking more like late September to play it safe. More info, new visual art work and a song sample in my next newsletter.
JULY 2017
Yes, I know. It's taking a while. (:~)) Tim and I are putting a lot more time into this one. I really want the final of the three to shine brilliantly! And already I can tell that it definitely will! Concept album three in mixdown process. Looking at a late July/early August release. More info, new visual art work and a song sample in my next newsletter.
JUNE 2017
Concept album three in mixdown process.
MAY 2017
Concept album three in mixdown process.
I am a sponsorable artist on Indie Air Radio (IAR) which is part of an invitation only music company, supported by subscribing listening members. Have a look-see and sponsor me and many, many more independent artists at IAR! This is a call out to those who appreciate the independent artists who are really trying to preserve the true art of music, thus preserving the effects it has on those who imbibe its true essence. Music can be much more than something to listen to in the background!
APRIL 2017
Concept album three in mixdown process.
Here's something I made for all musician's who think they're too old to play, or write music.
Documentary instructing all musicians to never separate from their gifts!
Video of my song "Transcendence" from my first album in the trilogy "The Story of Blue".
I am a sponsorable artist on Indie Air Radio (IAR) which is part of an invitation only music company, supported by subscribing listening members. Have a look-see and sponsor me and many, many more independent artists at IAR! This is a call out to those who appreciate the independent artists who are really trying to preserve the true art of music, thus preserving the effects it has on those who imbibe its true essence. Music can be much more than something to listen to in the background!
Indie Air Radio also has added Cafe’ Indie Air to its website. Here you can listen and purchase music from all the independent artists that Indie Air Radio supports. Check it out!
MARCH 2017
Song two of seven is one step away from being mastered. Tim and I will be working on the rest of song two (and perhaps more) in the days and weeks ahead. More and more it is looking like a late April/early May release.
We are working again on laying down more tracks for the upcoming final album from my trilogy "The Story of Blue". Dave, Erik, Tim and I completed most of the seven new songs last week. Subramanya over in Varanasi, India has completed his version of a song I wrote the root melody for (on propane tank) for his future album and was kind enough to send me the sitar, flute and tabla tracks he used. Dave (guitar) and I touched on this melody just prior to departing last week (last week of January) and will build off it again when Tim returns from a small tour with Ezra Furman on the west coast. I'm thinking at this time that the bass will be based off my Kurzweil keyboard as Erik's sessions have been completed. I'm thinking more like March for the final release, but one never knows!
Tim, Dave, Erik and myself will be recording in Studio Ballistico for album three of my trilogy "The Story of Blue" the second week of January. Subramanya Doyle will be having a sitar player from Varanasi, India as well as himself on guitar and possibly other instruments recorded over my propane tank melody the first week of this month in Varanasi, India. He will be releasing it on his next album and I will be adding my version via Tim, Dave, Erik, myself, Subramanya and whomever he has play on it to album three (it most likely will be a transitional tune). So, in essence, there will be two versions of the song on two separate albums from two individual artists with each artist playing on the others' song version as well as their own. This is a first for me and I'm very much looking forward to hearing both results. Looking for the final release of album three by either the end of this month, or early February with Subramanya Doyle and whomever he has play on it as featured artists.
Touring and other life events have delayed the creation of album number three. I'm hoping to get Erik (bass) and Dave (guitar) into the Studio Ballistico in January. Recently I created a very short tune on the wonderful gift: a beautifully desined, hand-crafted propane tank that not only has the art of digital illustrator Sam Kirkman carved into it, but is also individually tuned like a steel drum. It sounds amazing! (see pictures of it on my Facebook music page [ianmusic29] and my most recent newsletter sent on 11/6/16). It was created by Sam Kirkman himself! I have sent to the tune to a friend who is currently recording in India. In January he will be recording in Varanasi, India and will overlay some amazing tracks of his own over my melody. I will be including this on album three as a segway between two of my songs. This is the first collaboration tune I've ever done and cannot wait to hear the end result! Album three will be released some time in mid to late January. The digital art work by Sam Kirkman has been completed. I will be showing you the rough drafts on my next newsletter. Sign up for my newsletter! Just click on "Get A Free Song" left of this paragraph.
More recording dates have been scheduled for later this month. Dave and Erik will be coming back to Studio Ballistico then. Tim and I will work on ironing out the main vocal tracks and harmonies after Erik and Dave have finished their bass and guitar tracks. I will be adding excerpts of my Guru Paramahamsa Nithyanandas' talks from various satsangs as well. More information and photos of our recent studio sessions in my newsletter. Sign up for my newsletter by going to the panel just to the left of this paragraph). Let the good times roll!
Music, digital illustrations and more recording dates being setup at Studio Ballistico for November. So far on this album I will have guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, vocals (with a lot of harmonies), tabla and sitar. I've only heard the rough mixes for the seven new songs a few times, but am already loving the results! Sam is working hard on getting the digital illustrations completed for six CD panels (fold-out six-panel CD booklet plus the CD face itself) by the end of November. I can't wait to get it out there! I'm looking at a December '16 release (rough illustrations and brief samples of the new music on my newsletter. Sign up for my newsletter by going to the panel just to the left of this paragraph). Let the good times roll! Go Cubs!!!
I'm currently working on getting everyone back together for album number three (no name at this time). Looking at late this month, or early October to start recording in the studio. This album covers the main character Blue and his assent to enlightenment. Most of the drum/keys/lyrics and vocals are done (rough copies that I record on my laptop (Kurzweil keyboard, vDrums and mic in my clothes closet). I will be emailing my key parts to Tim in the weeks ahead. All drum/vocal parts (harmonies too) will be rerecorded at Studio Ballistico. I'm looking into finding musician's who can masterfully play tabla (already found Dhyananjay), sitar and any type of Indian flute(s). I'm looking at early '17 for a release date, but it could be as early as early December '16. I'll keep you posted.
A nice energy is settling in as I write this paragraph on the first day of August. Thanks to the workshops and satsangs with my Guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda, I am evolving exponentially within and can see how my older ideas about album number three (already recorded and ready for the studio) are going to evolve from their existing recorded state as a result. From an internal perspective, album number three, although already (for the most part) completed, based on in-depth reviews of my last two albums by a few kind souls and my agreeance with their views, needs a fresh approach from an entirely new perspecitve. In doing so, it will communicate this beautiful breakthrough Blue melts with to you the listener. It's really all about just sitting with the music. It's also about listening to how I really feel when diving back into the rough drafts and, from those feelings, what fresh melodies/rhythms pop into place and recording them as authentically as I can.
It's looking more and more like October for the onslaught of recording dates. It will be during this time when in which I will fuse my energy towards what I truly love to do with the time that is required to do the most authentic recording/listening to others ideas (i.e. Erik, Dave, Tim , Dhyananjay and friends) that I can possibly allow. These albums are not just a way to earn some extra cash for me. These albums are my way of sharing with you the listener all I've experienced and all I've learned in this lifetime and how I can hopefully help you in any way I can. More music to come after the triology. Thank you for sincerely taking the time to read this.
JULY 2016
A few nice reviews from Gary Hill (Music Street Journal) as well as Steven Reid (Sea of Tranquility) over the past month, or two. Many thanks to both for you kind analysis. I am working on gathering everyone back for an October series of studio sessions at Studio Ballistico for album number three of the "Blue" triology. Briefly noted, I am working on getting some highly talented Indian musicians as well. Tabla will be only one of perhaps many Indian instruments revealed on album three. More information provided in my next newsletter. To sign up for my newsletter, simply select "Get A Free Song" just to the left of this sentence. My music is in rotation on Indie Air Radio - a podcast based out of Spokane, Washington. To listen to Indie Air Radio, click on the link "Live Streaming - Play now!" image below.
I am a sponsorable artist on Indie Air Radio (IAR) which is part of an invitation only music company, supported by subscribing listening members. Have a look-see and sponsor me and many, many more independent artists at IAR! This is a call out to those who appreciate the independent artists who are really trying to preserve the true art of music, thus preserving the effects it has on those who imbibe its true essence. Music can be much more than something to listen to in the background!
Indie Air Radio also has added Cafe’ Indie Air to its website. Here you can listen and purchase music from all the independent artists that Indie Air Radio supports. Check it out!
If you would like to listen to what is currently being played on Indie Air Radio just click on the Indie Air Radio image below! (removed as there is a new player now)
APRIL 2016
Studio plans are being made for concept album three of three for late July. More details available in my newsletter. To sign up for my newsletter, simply select "Get A Free Song" just to the left of this sentence.
I am a sponsorable artist on Indie Air Radio (IAR) which is part of an invitation only music company, supported by subscribing listening members. Have a look-see and sponsor me and many, many more independent artists at IAR! This is a call out to those who appreciate the independent artists who are really trying to preserve the true art of music, thus preserving the effects it has on those who imbibe its true essence. Music can be much more than something to listen to in the background!
Indie Air Radio also has added Cafe’ Indie Air to its website. Here you can listen and purchase music from all the independent artists that Indie Air Radio supports. Check it out!
If you would like to listen to what is currently being played on Indie Air Radio just click on the Indie Air Radio image below! (removed as there is a new player now)
MARCH 2016
Back from a five week stay in India! This month my two concept albums from my trilogy "The Story of Blue" will be featured on Indie Air Radio this month! I will have more information regarding this soon. I will be going back into the studio this summer to complete the triology (album #3). This time I plan to include not only tabla, guitar and bass, but other Indian instruments from a variety of talented musicians as well! Sam Kirkman will also be doing the art work for this album too. I will have a web comic completed for the entire triology by the end of this year, so please stay tuned!
I will be making a new video for my song "Dawn" from "The Story of Blue: The Journey" this month and next (April). I should have it available for viewing on my YouTube channel late April.
I am a sponsorable artist on Indie Air Radio (IAR) which is part of an invitation only music company, supported by subscribing listening members. Have a look-see and sponsor me and many, many more independent artists at IAR!
I was interviewed by Bob Rice (CEO and one of several very talented DJ's of Indie Air Radio) yesterday (1/20). This interview covered my recent triolgy-in-the-making "The Story of Blue". In the interview, I explain where all the creativity to make the triology came from and how it continues to flow through me. I highly encourage anyone interested in not only the music I create, but learn how and where it comes from to listen in on Tuesday, January 26th at 10a PT/11a MT/12p CT/1p ET on Bob Rice's "The Short Report"! It will enrich you to tap into more of your creative energy too! Simply click on this link and select "Click Here To Listen Now!" If you would like to gain access to the interview post its live date (or any of my other interviews Bob and I have had in the past for that matter), simply become a member! Once a member, you will be able to listen to any interview at any time you would like! And that is just the tip of the iceberg!
On Saturday, January 30th at 11p ET/10p CT/9p MT/8p PT listen to my 2008 release "Weight of the Words" in its entirety on Indie Air Radio!
Bob Rice over at Indie Air Radio was also kind enough to debut my 2008 release "Weight of the Words" on his new weekly show entitled "The Album Hour" Saturday, January 30th (see times above). It is I.A.R's (Indie Air Radio) first one hour program where you will hear one of I.A.R's artist associates albums in it's entirety and without interruption! Features on this program are exclusive to associates of I.A.R only. Listen Only podcasts following the live airing of "The Album Hour" will be available to I.A.R listening members and associates. Pop on into Cafe' Indie Air to purchase the album!
I will be making a new video for my song "Dawn" from "The Story of Blue: The Journey" this month. I should have it available for viewing on my YouTube channel this February.
I am a sponsorable artist on Indie Air Radio (IAR) which is part of an invitation only music company, supported by subscribing listening members. Have a look-see and sponsor me and many, many more independent artists at IAR!
"The Story of Blue: Introduction" was completed 5.31.15 and is available for physical purchase/digital download. You can also listen/download from the following locations: iTunes/CDBaby.
"The Story of Blue: The Journey" is very close to completion! I expect to release it in both CD (6 - panel, beautifully illustrated by Samuel Kirkman) and digital formats at the end of this month (December). The second album of three, "The Story of Blue: The Journey" features 7 songs (a couple over 8 minutes in length). This concept album takes the main character - Blue - away from all his seemingly endless pain and suffering and points him to his inner-self where he begins to understand that the culmination of what his actions and thoughts reveal are directly related to who and what he is and what he is surrounded by externally. A new character who represents the second Tattva of four - Integrity - guides Blue away from the familiar only to further deepen his inner journey.
Sam Kirkman has completed the digital illustrations for all six panels and CD from "The Story of Blue: The Journey". I will continue to send samples of his art work in my upcoming newsletters.
Once all three albums have been completed, my plan is that they will all connect into one, massive 21-song concept album. Each album will have its own unique art work all illustrated by Sam Kirkman. I also would like to have Sam illustrate a incredible web comic once all the music has been recorded and is ready for you.
Sign up (to the left of this paragraph) to receive my bi-montly newsletters! You'll get a free song out of the deal as well! Plus you will get to hear rough samples from my upcoming concept album and view some amazing rough illustrations from the amazingly talented Samuel Kirkman. What a concept!
I have completed a new video entitled "Ian Narcisi: Process III (drum track) 'Song of the Saints' (song 13 of my future concept album)" and have posted it on YouTube. Check it out!

Special thanks to Bob Rice, Ted Brown and Ron Sinnott Indie Air Radio for promoting me to "Artist of the month" all of November!!! So very, very grateful to these three for being so supportive!
I am now a sponsorable artist on Indie Air Radio (IAR) which is part of an invitation only music company, supported by subscribing listening members. Have a look-see and sponsor me and many, many more independent artists at IAR!
I was featured on Indie Air Radio as "Artist of the Week" (7/1 through 7/7). Sign up as a member on Indie Air Radio! When signing up as a member on Indie Air Radio you will soon get my exclusive video clips explaining how I create a song from the rough recordings at my home studio to the professional studio recordings at the new Studio Ballistico! You will also get first-hand views of Samuel Kirkman's illustrations for my upcoming concept album and much, much more! All proceeds go to all Indie Air Radio's indie musician's (believe me - we need all the help we can get!) Become a member to Indie Air Radio here. A very big THANK YOU to Bob Rice and Ron Sinnott at Indie Air Radio!

April 2013
Studio Ballistico under construction until the winter of 2014. I am polishing up the rough concept album at home and will be working on new material outside of the concept album until Ballistico is fully functional. I am also working on a new Indiegogo campaign that I plan to launch in June, or July of this year.
March 2013
Studio Ballistico under construction. Working on new songs until studio is finished.
December 2012
Currently working on song #2 of concept album.
November 2012
"Intro" (AKA "Blue Born": the first song on my concept album) has been completed.
October 2012
I am currently writing lyrics for my future concept album. Recording for my concept album will begin at Studio Ballistico on November 10th, 2012
September 2012
On Sept 17th I was honored to be interviewed by James Lowe on KJAG Radio.

Simply sign up by clicking the "Get A Free Song" (left side of screen) and be eligible to win a t-shirt of your *choice from my Zazzle store!
(*$25.00 max. Contest ends 9.27.12)
June 2012
Concept Album in the works. You can find all the juicy details by clicking here.
March 18th, 2012
Special thanks to Bob Rice at KYRS Spokane, WA for such an awesome interview!
In this interview Bob and I discussed my current concept album, how a song is crafted.
and talked about the musician's I record with.
I really felt right at home!
Click play button below to listen (running time: approximately 21 minutes)
December 2011
Concept Album in the works. You can find all the juicy details by clicking here.
November 2011
My debut documentary "In the Studio with Ian Narcisi:
The Making of Phone Call to Infinity" has been released!
Recorded in HD! For the full HD experience.
After selecting play button:
Select 720p on YouTube screen, select Full Screen (bottom right corner), and enjoy!
For the latest updates check out my blog.

August 2011
My music is now being promoted by Cyber PR! I am happy to join with Ariel Hyatt and her team, who are helping me spread my messageof self-awareness and self-realization. This is an exciting time for me and can't wait to see my efforts ignite! Thank you Ariel for helping thousands of independent musician's around the world!

Dec 2010
After months of writing and recording my latest EP, Phone Call To Infitity is complete! It features three new songs and was once again recorded at Studio Ballistico in Chicago. Thank you to Tim Sandusky for masterfully pulling it all together, and to the the amazingly talented Erik Swanson (bass) and Dave Bowers (guitar). These guys have been with me since my first CD and tirelessly put in all their best. It's been a pleasure to work with such fine and gifted professionals. Phone Call To Infitinity is now available on iTunes and CDBaby.

June 3rd, 2010
I was interviewed by Colored People's hostess Tania-Maria (BlogTalkRadio). I chatted with Tania-Maria about my 2005 debut "Off Purpose" (piano/voice version) through to my 2009 release, "Feel No Evil". You can download the interview on iTunes. (My iTunes profile)
February 27, 2010
Graphic novelist Samuel E. Kirkman, inspired by my 2007 song release "Burning", interpreted it with this amazing illustration. Select the image to see the image in a much larger scale. I love it!
Sam also kindly asked if he could use "Twilight's Last" from my full-length CD Weight of the Words as background music in support of "GREW", one of his graphic novels. Sam thought it would fit well with his incredible imagery. All I needed to see was one amazing illustration and it was an instant "yes" in my head! Click here to check out "GREW" . By clicking you'll be taken to Sam's art blog at Blogger.com. Thank you, Sam!